Keen™ is a hearty dehydrated whole grain diet made with cage-free turkey, low-gluten oats and garden vegetables like carrots and cabbage. Keen dehydrated dog food is crafted from ‘down to earth’ ingredients that provide great all natural nutrition. It’s a penny-conscious recipe for picky hounds who deserve good food. Lower in cost without compromising our values, Keen is ideal for dogs who do better with low gluten, whole grains and without chicken, beef, eggs and fish.
Recipe highlights
AAFCO complete and balanced
Moderated calories, low protein
Perfect for adult dogs & seniors
Down-to-earth ingredients for down-to-earth dogs. Made with cage-free turkey, organic whole oats and simple garden produce, Keen is like a healthy, delicious Thanksgiving dinner for your penny-conscious pup.
All ingredients dehydrated: Turkey, organic oats, potatoes, organic flaxseed, carrots, cabbage, organic kelp, apples, honey, garlic, tricalcium phosphate, choline chloride, zinc amino acid chelate, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, potassium iodide, potassium chloride, iron amino acid chelate, copper amino acid chelate, thiamine mononitrate.
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